We Teach Self Storage Investing

Self-Storage Investing is one of the youngest – and fastest growing – forms of commercial real estate. From virtual non-existence before 1970, the industry has grown to over 58,000 self-storage facilities in the U.S. today. And it is a strictly American concept, as there are only 12,000 self-storage facilities in the rest of the world combined. There are several reasons for the giant demand for self-storage units in the U.S. One is the average American’s desire to “consume” – to buy lots of materials goods. Once their household storage has been exhausted, they must turn to outside storage to warehouse these items. The high price of single-family homes in the U.S., has also put pressure on these “consumers” to place their items – such as Christmas decorations – at a low-cost per square foot facility and free up more usable living space in their much more expensive per-square-foot home. But an equally important reason for the self-storage unit demand is the chaotic lifestyles of the average U.S. citizen today. With the uncertainty in employment, housing, and marriage, many Americans are constantly on the move – approximately 40 million Americans move each year -- and need to store their goods as they bounce from one place to the next. With over 2.35 billion square feet under roof, which is a land mass equivalent to three times Manhattan Island, the self-storage industry is far from a fad.

So how do you harness the demand for self-storage units? By buying and operating self-storage facilities. But not just any self-storage facility will succeed. You have to know the ins and outs of what separates a winning self-storage facility from a loser, before you invest. This information can be found all over this site, from free Self Storage Investing Articles and Videos, to our Free Self Storage Facility Investing Book, and our more in-depth Self Storage Investing Home Study Course. Everything you need to know to locate, evaluate, negotiate, perform due diligence on, finance, turn-around and operate self-storage facilities is available right on this site. And the authors are actual self-storage owners who provide their full insider secrets, tricks and shortcuts – the kind of information that you cannot find in a standard textbook. That’s why we are the resource that the professionals use to gather information on the industry.

We also provide, free of charge, a monthly Self Storage Facility Investing Newsletter. It has taken us years to assemble, write and record these materials, and we are very proud of them. That’s why everything we sell comes with a full money-back guarantee.

If you ever have a question of comment, we would love to hear from you. Please visit the contact us page.

Everything You Need To Know About
Self Storage Investing In 4 Minutes

"There is no better source for self storage investment advice than Frank Rolfe & Dave Reynolds"

Why Do We Teach?
We love doing it! We also benefit in many other ways. We buy assignment deals from our students, get our name out in the industry, and help those who don't understand property values to be reasonable.
How can I get in touch?
Please visit our Contact Page! You can call us at (855) 879-2738
Where can I find you?
Our address is:
110 NW 2nd St
Cedaredge, CO 81413
Why should I learn from you?
We have over half a century of combined years experience in many different niches including self storages, apartments, RV parks, mobile home parks, single family housing, billboards and office space.