Many a self-storage deal has been saved through creative seller financing. This is the concept in which the seller offers great lending terms to the buyer that offset the other drawbacks. So how can you make a deal work with seller financing that would not work without it?
Read MoreThe April 2021 Self Storage Investing Newsletter
We all hate spending money, but sometimes the cost is offset by having greater confidence in your deal – all the way to the point of having the guts to pull the trigger and sign the closing documents. And the source of much of this confidence are third-party reports. While many of these are bank requirements, others are simply the smart way to proceed even with seller financing. So what are these third-party reports that are a big part of buying any self-storage facility?
Read MoreBuying a self-storage facility is a very important decision. Due diligence is an essential part of the effort to make sure it’s a success. But some buyers try to delegate this work to others.
Listen To Episode 23Some self-storage deals sell quickly, and others fester for years. What can be done to craft great acquisitions out of these older offerings that have gathered dust? That’s the focus of this Self-Storage University podcast in which we discuss what makes deals sit without movement, and what the potential options are to forge a successful purchase.
Listen To Episode 22